Monday 26 March 2012

Last Frontier on Earth

Titanic film director James Cameron has completed the world’s first solo dive to the deepest-known point on Earth, reaching the bottom of the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench southwest of Guam in a specially designed submarine called Deepsea Challenger.The National Geographic Society oversaw the expedition.

What’s the big deal?
Cameron is the only person to have dived there solo. The lowest point of the Mariana Trench, a great canyon below the Pacific, has been reached by humans just once before, in 1960 when US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh and the late Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard spent 20 minutes there in the submersible craft Trieste. Cameron spent more than three hours at the bottom really the sense of isolation more than anything, realising how tiny you are down in this big, vast, black, unknown and unexplored place

How deep was it?        

35,756 feet or roughly 11km beneath the ocean's surface. 
The pressure on the sub was immense -comparable to three SUVs resting on a toe

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